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Kisurra (nel sito moderno di Tell Abu Hatab in Iraq) era un'antica città sumerica situata sulla riva ovest del medio corso del fiume Eufrates, a nord di Shuruppak.
La maggiore divinità di Kissura era Ninurta. Più tardi Kisurra divenne il centro principale del culto mesopotamico di Ishara, benchè si sia pensato che essa fosse stata adorata su di un'ampia area da Siriani, Cananiti, e Ittiti [1].
Indice |
Kissura was established ca. 2700 BC, during the Sumerian Early Dynastic II period.
The southern end of the Isinnitum Canal was joined back into the Euphrates at Kisurra [2]. The city lasted as a center for commerce and transport through the Akkadian and part of the Babylonian empires, until cuneiform texts and excavation show a decline during the time of Hammurabi (c.1800 BCE) [3].
List of Dynastic Kings of Kisurra:
Itur Szamasz c.2138 BCE built the 'gate of Hadi-el', the wall of Kisurra [4].
Manabaltiel c.2123 BCE
In 2113 BCE the city of Kisurra lost its independence under the suzerainty of the Kings of the City Ur
Szarrasyurrm c.2108 BCE
Ubaya c2093 BCE
Zikrum c2078 BCE
In the year 2048 BCE King Bur-Sin of Ur removed the King of Kisurra
Ibbi Szamasz 2030-2013 BCE
King Ur Nammu of Ur removes King Ibbi Shamash from the throne in 2013 BCE [5]
German archaeologists have found many cuneiform tablets from Tell Abu Hatab.
See also
Cities of the Ancient Near East
1^ Isara
3^ Rogers, Robert William (1915) A History of Babylonia and Assyria. The Abingdon Press pag.435
5^ Zimmerer, Neil (2003) The Chronology of Genesis: A Complete History of the Nefilim. Adventures Unlimited Press ISBN 1931882223 pag.30