Norman Ernest

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Fotografia di Ernest L. Norman

Ernest L. Norman (1904 – December 1971) was an American electrical engineer[1] and the co-founder of the Unarius Academy of Science.[2] Unarians believe he was Jesus in a past life, and his earthly incarnation was as an archangel named Raphiel.[3]

The group was founded in February 1954 in Los Angeles, California by Norman and his wife Ruth E. Norman (1900–1993).[4] Norman died of a throat infection.[5]

See also


  1. Bishop, Greg, et. al (2006). Weird California. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN 978-1-4027-3384-0
  2. Zeller, Benjamin E. (2009). Apocalyptic thought in UFO-based religions. In Kinane, Karolyn and Michael A. Ryan, eds. End of days: essays on the apocalypse from antiquity to modernity McFarland, ISBN 978-0-7864-4204-1
  3. Tumminia, Diana G. (2005). When Prophecy Never Fails: Myth and Reality in a Flying-Saucer Group. Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-517675-9
  4. Bloom, Barry M. (July 29, 1993). Ruth Norman, 92; poet, humanitarian, cosmic visionary. San Diego Union-Tribune
  5. Granberry, Mike (September 29, 1986). Spiritual Group Delves Into Past Lives for Answers. Los Angeles Times

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